Fleeting Light
“Our existence has no foundation on which to rest except the transient present. Thus its form is essentially unceasing motion, without any possibility of that repose which we continually strive after.”
Arthur Schopenhauer  (1788 - 1860) German philosopher

The beauty, simplicity and abstract nature of these light patterns as well as their fleeting nature fascinate me. The sunlight, reflected off surfaces or through glass, is reminiscent of photograms, particularly their uniqueness. The light in these photographs lasts literally seconds and is dependent upon the time of day, time of year, and location.
The ephemeral nature of these glimmers of light, color and shadow are what intrigue me the most. It is because they are fleeting that I feel a compulsion to capture them using photography. These small patches of light parallel our own existence as transient human beings, moving through our lives in a state of constant flux.

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